This post is all about how to have the best nail care routine so your nails look fabulous all year long!
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Having nails that are well kept is an essential part of your hygiene routine. You may think that no one is looking at your nails but trust me they are! When you shake someones hand at an interview or event, when you hand over your payment to the waiter, or when you hold your lovers hand, your nails are noticed more often than you think. If someone notices the state of your nails and they are crusty or yellow or broken, you are going to be seen as lazy or unhygienic and we don’t want that!
Imagine if your outfit and hair is on point but your nails look neglected? You’re still going to be seen as unhygienic because you only took care of the surface level things and not the details. Details and cleanliness matter and your nails are no exception. When your nails are clean and polished, it automatically makes your overall appearance look better. You will look more feminine and put together.
Below are the best tips to make your nails look on point all year long!
Nail Care Routine
1. Cuticles
Cuticle Oil
To have flawless looking nails, your nail beds need to be hydrated and looking right. Using cuticle oil can help you achieve this because they help nourish and strengthen your nails which can help prolong a manicure. It also helps to stimulate healthy nail growth! Just apply a drop or 2 to each nail and massage it in for maximum benefits!
Recommended Cuticle Oil – Sundays Healing Cuticle Serum
Cuticle Removal
Lots of people remove the cuticle on their own but leave the cuticle removal to the professionals (aka the nail salon)! Your nail cuticles are there to protect you and if not removed properly you can remove too much and expose your nails to bacteria and infections.
2. Cutting/Filing
Cutting your nails is a must! There is such thing as your nails getting too long for comfort and you’re more prone to dirt underneath the nail beds which is a big no no. Sometimes they tear and start snagging everywhere as well or you get those pesky hang nails that must go. When you cut your nails to your desired length, they look way more polished and put together. Nothing is better than a good trim. Just like you trim your hair, your nails need to be trimmed as well to grow stronger and healthier.
Recommended Nail Clipper – Tweezerman Nail Clipper Set
Another great way to have nails that look good all the time is to file them from time to time! When our nails grow, they don’t grow in a perfect shape so taking a file to them so that they are even is key! You can file them in a straight, almond, or pointy shape. Whatever tickles your fancy as long as they are even!
A glass filer is perfect for this because creates a much smoother finish, it’s more precise, and it doesn’t have that wear and tear that your standard nail filer does where it becomes dull.
Recommended Nail Filer – Tweezerman Glass Nail File
3. Clean Your Nails
I get it, throughout the day we are constantly touching and picking up things, were outside traveling places, and maybe even eating a delicious burger so your nails can get dirty underneath, but for the love of nails please please please make the conscious effort to get rid of that dirt. If you have everything else down pat with your nail routine but they have dirt and grime underneath, all that other work wasn’t even worth it because now you just look dirty and unkept. Not to mention it’s unhygienic so clean your nails ladies! You can take a bit of antibacterial soap and a nail brush to brush away the dirt and you’ll be left with squeaky clean nails.
Recommended Nail Brush – Ulta Dual Sided Nail Brush
4. Don’t Bite!
A lot of people still have this habit or probably will alway have this habit. It’s probably out of anxiety or nervousness, but don’t bite your nails! First of all it’s super unhygienic. Think about everything you touch throughout the day and then think of all that bacteria that’s going into your mouth when you bite your nails. You’re opening yourself up to infections. Yeah, I think it’s gross too. Not only that, but it damages your teeth in the long run because you’re biting in an abnormal manner to get certain parts of your nail. It’s better to be safe than sorry!
5. Long Lasting Manicure
The key to having a long lasting manicure is to prep and set properly. You don’t just apply the one nail polish color and think you’re good to go. First you need to make sure your hands are washed and clean. Then you need to apply a good base coat so that the polish you put on top can adhere properly and go on smoother and more evenly. Using a base coat also prevents polish stains from your nail laquer when you remove it. Then you can apply your desired nail polish color. Once that’s done, you use a top coat to seal and protect your manicure and add shine so that your nails last longer.
Recommended Top And Base Coat – Ella + Mila Top & Base Coat Duo
6. Use An Acetone Free Nail Polish Remover
Most nail polish removers on the market contain acetone. While it is effective at removing nail polish, it strips your nails from moisture leaving them dry and more prone to breakage. A great alternative to using acetone nail polish remover is to use soy nail polish remover. It’s more natural and won’t remove the moisture that’s already on your nails and keeping the integrity of them in tact.
Recommended Top And Base Coat – Ella + Mila Soy Nail Polish Remover
7. Don’t Forget Your Hands
Ladies, let’s not forget our hands! your nails are placed on your hands, therefore your hands need to look on point as well! The best way to have wrinkle free smooth looking hands it to use retinol on them! Retinol reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and stimulates collagen production leaving your skin looking glowy, healthy, and youthful! You mustn’t skip this step!
Everyone is different to how much retinol they can handle, so start off by using it once a week and work your way up.
Recommended Retinol – Paula’s Choice Retinol Skin Smoothing Body Treatment
Finally last but certainly not least, don’t forgot to use a deeply moisturizing hand cream throughout the day. Since we wash our hands several times a day, it’s easy for our hands to become dry and flakey and just look plain parched. Always remember to have a hand cream on hand to bring moisture back into your skin so that your hands look soft and plump at all times!